Diálogo com a Comunidade Pesqueira da Área de Influência Direta do Porto Central

On October 28, 2020, Porto Central held a virtual meeting with representatives of the Fishing Communities in its Area of ​​Direct Influence (AID) to align the communities' expectations following the installation of the Porto Central project in the Municipality of Presidente Kennedy/ES.

Colonies Z1, Z14 and Z8 and the entire fishing community they represent were invited to the meeting. Representatives from the colonies of Marataízes/ES and São Francisco de Itabapoana/RJ were present at the event, as well as the technical team from DVF Consultoria and Porto Central.

The meeting's central objective was to present the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program – PMSE and deepen the presentation of the eleven socioeconomic indicators monitored by the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (PMSE). They are: demography, health, economy and finance, education, assistance and development, infrastructure, labor market, housing, standard of living, HDI and public security.

The opportunity also discussed the current situation of the enterprise and the expectations of communities following the installation of the Porto Central enterprise, as well as the status of programs dedicated to fishing, such as the Fisheries Landing Monitoring Program (PMDP) and Line V of the Environmental Education Program – Fisheries Compensation Plan (PCAP).

Part of the fishing community already has representation in the Monitoring Committee of the Porto Central Socioeconomic Monitoring Program (PMSE) – CAMPOC, which is made up of different social actors and seeks to serve as a forum for debate and social control to propose necessary actions to improving the management of socioeconomic impacts resulting from the installation of Porto Central.

The event also sought to encourage increased participation by the entire fishing community in the area of ​​direct influence of the port in the Participation Forum – CAMPOC, for adequate monitoring of the results of the Porto Central Socioeconomic Monitoring Program.
