Instituída Comissão Interinstitucional de Acompanhamento do Memorando de Acordo do Porto Central

State Ordinance No. 034-S published on May 17, 2021 formally established the Interinstitutional Commission for Monitoring the Memorandum of Agreement – ​​CIMdA, as a deliberative body to decide on issues relating to or arising from the cooperative actions agreed in the Memorandum of Agreement signed between the State Espírito Santo, the Municipality of Presidente Kennedy and Porto Central.

This Memorandum of Agreement has been renewed since 2012 with the aim of uniting coordinated efforts from the three parties with a view to enabling and optimizing the development and sustainable implementation of Porto Central, considered strategic and a priority for the development of the south of the State of Espírito Santo.

The first meeting of this new CIMdA cycle was held on June 7, 2021, with the participation of members appointed by the State of Espírito Santo, the Municipality of Presidente Kennedy and Porto Central.

The objective of CIMdA is to be a dynamic and collaborative tripartite forum to discuss, deliberate and optimize actions for the sustainable development of the region, allowing integrated and cooperative management of the territory within the competence of each party.
