New perspectives for the start of the installation of Porto Central

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  • New perspectives for the start of the installation of Porto Central
Reunião Virtual dos Fóruns

Social forums, Porto Central and public authorities hold a virtual meeting to align on the status of the port project.

A general alignment meeting was held this Tuesday (21/03), at 10 am, between Porto Central and the Social Participation Forums (CGDR, CGMD and CAMPOC), as well as with the Sustainability Groups (GS) of each of the Municipalities in the Area of ​​Direct Influence (AID), to present the current situation of Porto Central, which brought the prospect of the start of the installation phase of Porto Central next month. 

The event, held in an online format, was mediated by the Socio-Environmental Manager of Porto Central, Sueli Passoni Tonini, and saw the peak participation of 67 representatives from non-governmental entities and public authorities, including representatives from the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and of Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), through the General Coordinator of the General Coordination of Environmental Licensing for Marine and Coastal Enterprises, Itagyba Alvarenga Neto, and the Coordinator of the Environmental Licensing Coordination of Ports and Maritime Structures, Janaina de Sousa Cunha Motta Vieira .

At the beginning of the virtual meeting, Itagyba stated that “Porto Central is one of the central projects being evaluated by Ibama and it is a process that we are working on with great commitment”. This was reinforced by Janaína, highlighting that the teams are aligned and working to ensure that the necessary analyzes are carried out within the deadlines.

The Socio-Environmental Manager of Porto Central, Sueli Passoni Tonini, thanked Ibama for the presence and the opportunity to show the environmental agency the involvement and participation of several non-governmental entities and public authorities in the event. He also thanked everyone for their presence and highlighted the support received from the Government of the State of Espírito Santo, especially from the Secretary of State for the Environment, Felipe Rigoni, and the Secretariat of Labor, Assistance and Social Development (Setades).  

Afterwards, the interaction between the participants began with sharing experiences, surveying the groups' points of interest and requesting clarifications. Participating were leaders representing communities and non-governmental organizations that make up the Sustainability Groups (GS) created in each of the municipalities in the project's area of ​​direct influence (AID), partners in environmental education actions in their six lines of action, which are : Emancipatory Environmental Education for Communities, Workers, Public Health, Traffic Safety and Alertness, Compensation for Fishing Activities and Heritage Education for Communities and Workers.

One of the highlights of the debate was in relation to the demands of Z14 fishermen regarding the recognition of riverine fishing. On the occasion, it was informed that the Port has already started to characterize fishing and riverside fishermen in Z14 and Z1, and the preparation of the Fishing Activity Compensation Plan (PCAP Ribeirinho) and the Fishing Landing Monitoring Program (PMDP) are already planned. Ribeirinho). 

Still at the meeting, the Undersecretary of State of Setades and former mayor of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Carlos Roberto Casteglione Dias, revealed that the State Government will extend the National Employment System (SINE) to the Municipality of Marataízes, contributing to this moment important area of ​​the southern region of Espírito Santo.

The Social Forums

The Social Participation Forums are articulations between Porto Central and organized civil society, public authorities, companies, class entities and educational and development institutions, which aim to be a space for debate, planning, organization, monitoring, evaluation and formulation of propositions in the fields of socioeconomics, economic development and mobilization and demobilization of labor necessary to improve the management of socioeconomic impacts with the implementation of Porto Central, to minimize negative impacts and enhance positive impacts. They were subdivided into 3 groups:

CAMPOC Monitoring Committee for the Porto Central Socioeconomic Monitoring Program is a space that aims to promote shared management of the socioeconomic impacts arising from the implementation of Porto Central in the Municipalities of the Area of ​​Direct Influence (Presidente Kennedy and Marataízes/ES and São Francisco de Itabapoana/RJ . Various public and private actors make up this management committee with the aim of periodically discussing and evaluating the results achieved within the Socioeconomic Monitoring Program, seeking to verify the sufficiency or need to expand measures to mitigate negative socioeconomic impacts and enhance impacts positive socioeconomic conditions.

CGDR - Monitoring Committee for the Porto Central Regional Development Support Program is a space created to promote shared management of actions aimed at regional development in the municipalities within the Porto Central area of ​​influence. Several public and private actors make up this management committee with the general objective of periodically discussing and evaluating the results achieved within the Regional Development Support Program.

CGMD - Labor Management Committee, responsible for monitoring the Porto Central Labor Mobilization and Demobilization Program, is a space created to promote shared management of actions that aim to facilitate and organize access to job opportunities by the local community (AID and AII), through the planning and promotion of professional training processes and management of the flow of utilization of workers in jobs, direct or indirect, available after the installation and future operation of the enterprise and its clients, or even in new business resulting from CGDR actions. Several public and private actors make up this management committee with the aim of periodically discussing and evaluating the results achieved within the Labor Mobilization and Demobilization Program and the Professional Training Program.
