Porto Central concluiu com sucesso o Seminário III: Associativismo e Cooperativismo

Porto Central and DVF Consultoria held on Wednesday, October 14th, the Virtual Seminar III with the theme “Associativism and Cooperativism”, which aimed to present to the managers of the Porto Central Socioeconomic Programs participation forums the importance of associations and cooperativism for their institutions.

The topic addressed has strong articulation with the Socioeconomic Programs of Porto Central, especially with the Regional Development Support Program (PADR), which aims to define and support the main actors and promoters of regional development, seeking to create mutual value in the construction of joint solutions, as well as with the Labor Mobilization and Demobilization Program and the Professional Training Program (PMD/PCP), considering that Associations and Cooperatives are interesting organizational models for the development of regional entrepreneurs.

References on the subject were invited to participate in the event: Mr. Sérgio Rogério de Castro – President of the Management Council of the School of Associativism, Mr. Carlos André Santos de Oliveira – Superintendent of the OCB/ES System and Mr. Djalma Quintino Malta Neto – President Emeritus of the ASES Advisory Board.

At the end of the event, the debate with the speakers provided the appreciation of public and private partnerships, the importance of creating good cooperatives and associations for the progress of the southern region of Espírito Santo and northern Rio de Janeiro and the support of the School of Associativism, OCB/ES and ASES to the Porto Central Socioeconomic Programs participation forums for sustainable local development.
